Sunday, February 24, 2019

Week 5

Hi again everyone! For this week I will be answering the question “Is interactive fiction (such as Colossal Cave) a good way of telling a digital story? Why? How is it different from traditional storytelling or from other digital stories we’ve read so far?”
Well personally, I think interactive fiction is a great way of storytelling. I love being the one being able to make the choices of where the character or I will be going next. As for the online version however I did not like how there was no go back button or how you could not scroll back up to see what was previously said. Unlike a book where you could backtrack, on this version I found myself repeating the same words over and over because I could not remember what I had previously tried typing. I like how with interactive story telling it makes you think more. With this game in particular it made you think more about what was aorund you, but also how to interact with those objects in your own way.  Overall it was a good experience, reminding me of my childhood when I use to read the Goosebumps books where it let you choose your own path and then skip to whatever page number to follow the path you wanted to go down. It differs from what we have read so far because with normal books the path is already laid out, you don’t get to choose, only follow.


  1. I completely agree, the idea that a story can make you process past what a traditional story can is part of what makes it important.

  2. Hey there!

    I agree Ms. Tara,

    It is much more exciting to choose your path then being forced to follow sometimes.
